Saturday, June 30, 2007

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France


Pretty much all of us will see the Eiffel Tower at one point in our lives. Given that fact I tried to take some shots that might differ slightly from the usual P&S'ers.

Im really happy with a couple of them. None have been editted or recoloured in any way, it actually was this cloudy.

I am really glad the clouds gave these shots the look I was going for.

The air was buzzing when I took this shot. A light rain, music in the air, great.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Disneyland, Paris - Cool

Being 10 again, cool.

Cars flying, cool.

Cars being cut in half, Cool.

Cars dancing on two wheels, cool.

Cars jumping, cool.

Dudes Falling, cool.

Dudes being lit on fire, cool.

Splosions, cool.

Run-away semi trucks, cool.

Dragons breathing fire, cool.

Pirates, cool.

X-wings, cool!

The french not getting Disney, not cool.

Louis Hangout, Versaille, France

Where he prayed.

Where he ruled.

Where he gardened.

This is Maries room. Check out the door on the left. She bailed through that door when the riots made it up to her.

Nice backyard.

One of several wings.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Another Musuem


I decided to check out what the Impressionist Movement was all about. Well all this Monet, Manet, Picaso and Van Gogh was boooooring..... So I took some equally boring photos of the gorgeous building that the art was held in.

Try to enjoy!
