I really like Malaysia so far. I love the how everyone is so respectful, especially the women. Its really nice to not be harrased by the local women for sex. Thailand is beautiful but it can wear on you.
The fact that Malaysia is so respectful is largely due to the fact that 90% of its population is Muslim. Its refreshing to be in a country that takes pride in having faith in something, despite the fact I am Christian. The local Malays are more environmentally aware and respectful of where they are, paradise. Whereas Thais seem to just consume it all with no thought.
I have seen alot here. Most women here wear the half-burkas while managing not to sweat in the heat. Heck, I wear as little as possible for a couple reasons. The less clothes I wear the less it costs to do laundry, and secondly its darn hot!
Ive seen women wear full burkas, with the veil and all. I have to say its sort-of attractive. I am very against it out of principle but its very sexy to see just eyes staring at you. Mysterious. Seeing half naked gogo girls in Thailand gets old after about 5 seconds.
Smiles. Everyone is so happy here. I get nothing but respectful nods and smiles. "Hello!", not "Hey friend, where you going? Check out my suit shop!" People stop me all the time to get pictures, the giant from the west maybe?
Tommorow I head into Georgetown, Palau to see some old architechure. I am very excited to see if all of Malaysia is as friendly as Langkawi. I realize that Langkawi is to Malaysia as Hawaii is to the U.S. (If you understand my meaning)
The bungalow im staying in is owned by an iraqi and a malay. I asked him why he was limping around and he showed me his bullet wound on his leg. The scar wasnt really a scar it was a gaping hole about 8 inches long. Whoa! He was injured in some war in the 80's. He served 6 years in the army from 1980-1986.

These pictures taken from the cable car on the way up to the top station.

The above left shot shows a trendy peer. The above right shows the peer as well.

A group of girls came up to me and asked for a picture with me in it. Of course I had to oblige. Problem is when they gathered around me I accidentally forgot not to touch muslim women. I put my arm around her shoulder. She was tolerant enough to simply say no. Oops. They took the above left shot. In thailand you are always touching and are cloth. People are friendly that way and dont seem to have personal bubbles.

Seriously, someone send me an award for these shots?!

I love the top right shot. Lots of fun lines.

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