After a long sleep at our hotel Amber and were ready to take on Lima.
On the surface Lima is tired. The buildings are dusty, the air polluted, and the noise is chaotic. The roads are packed with taxis that honk there horns every moment. (For what seems like no real reason)
In Lima the fog is oppressive. Day after day from April to October the city is covered in what seems like a forest fire air. Adding this air to the rest of the city conditions, we are wondering why even come to this big capital city?

The answer lies in our first good walk around the city. What we find in Lima is a fantastically messy mixture of sights. Behind corners you will find colonial mansions, pre-Colombian citadels, modern shopping malls, delicious Peruvian dishes, and colorful markets.

As you can see the lighting is terrible with no visible sun through the grey haze. Our lungs burned the entire two days with the diesel blackening our nostrils.

The Justice buildings.

Old Colonial mansions just off of Plaza de Armas.

I hope you enjoyed the first post. These posts take forever and thank you for your patience!
Next post soon!
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