This morning I woke up feeling a little better. I still had the headache and couldnt get my stomach to calm down. I gauged myself for 30 min then decided to strap my boots on and head out to the group for our 7:30 a.m. dive.
What can I say. UNREAL. Our first dive was the best ive had. Infact the dive instructors were all freaking out at the sights. One DM said she has been working here for 9 years and never seen so much before.
I saw about 6-10 sharks below me. I was at about 23 metres down. They were darting back and forth hunting something. It was unbelieveable to see. I saw barcuda (Like 50 of them), an eel, and more!
As we were about 10 min from leaving the area we heard a loud snapping and scream. Our dive instructor was trying to get our attention frantically to bring us all to him. We all thrust over to him and quickly saw a black mass coming right for us. Could it be? Yes, the worlds largest fish, the whale shark.

Whats the good news? Ive got it all on dvd. Im gonna send one home. This fish was an absolute beauty. We were all stunned. The previous shark we saw were nothing like this. Some instructors go decades without even seeing one. What a snag!
He came about 4 feet from taking my mask off with his rear fin. His/her stride was at least 6 feet wide. Unreal.
Check out some videos on yahoo and you can see how impressive this fish is. Jonah would be quivering! (Bible joke)
Until next time!
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