Here are some cool shots! These are all taken with Marks camera.
Yesterday Mark, Charolette, Josie and I headed down to a really nice beach on the north side of Raliegh. We headed through a cave full of stalagmites. The cave eventually opened up to a beautiful beach littered with monkeys. It was really amazing.

Top left shows a random picture from Marks camera.

MMM filtered water! I actually forgot that the monkey was drinking from this container and I finished it off later. I hope I dont get a crazy disease.

Here is Josie being slightly pensive towards some aggresive monkeys.

The above right shows some of the stalagmites. Im going back today to take a ton of shots.

Josie looking cute as ever in her sand bikini. (Top left) Charolette, what a grin. (Top Right)

I had the brilliant idea to bury Mark with nothing but my snorkel and mask, fun ensued.

Rise Lord Mark! RIIISE! (Sorry bad Star Wars quip)

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