Ive spent the last 2 days in Vancouver. This city is lousy when it rains. Prior to coming here this week its always been sunny and beautiful. The rain makes the city depressing and loney. Ive never been asked for more change in my life. Every 2 feet you have a random bum asking you for "bus fair".
Meeting people from Warcraft was a blast!(A game I play online) We went out for a movie, pizza and a couple drinks. Talking about past gaming experiences was very nice. It kept my mind from it usual dizzy spin. Ive also realize more and more how crucial music is for my soul. Nothing mellows me like a good tune.
I fly out to Hawaii tonight.(Its 4:15am) I cant wait to get on to the real traveling. Surfing is gonna be a blast. I have high expectations for Hawaii. Its the "vacation" portion of my trip. No thinking, no finding myself, just self-indulgence. Once those 2 weeks are over im going to Japan and diving head first into the cultural education.
I feel like its been a month since I left Calgary. Im gonna age a decade on this trip. Good. Bring it on.
Thailand is in some change right now. I cant wait to get there and see whats going on. No shots have been fired and everything seems to be intact. I'll be careful.
Here are some pictures from tonight. Enjoy! Ill post more when im in Hawaii. Ill be there tonight at 10:30 p.m.

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