The boring stuff.
The cute stuff.
The adorable stuff.
The circus stuff.
"I am the Gatemaster, are you the Gatekeeper?"
Someone had an accident in the laundry.
"Dont even think about it buddy"
Shhh! Im going to give him a wet willy!
"I dont rollover for Elvis, move on"
"Can we go back to the Gladiator set already?"
"I wub you toooo!"
"Do I look like a German Shepard?"
"A little closer, that its.....come to momma"
"Will work for food"
"If I close my eyes these loud Americans will disappear"
"Oh thats the spot!"
"Fine, go for the other girl, like I care!"
Nothing impressive here, until you realize this was taken 30 feet away. Gogo Gadget telephoto!
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